Prescription Refill

Save time when ordering prescription refills. Use the link below to fill out our prescription refill online form.

Rx Request Form

IMPORTANT: Orders are not confirmed until you have received notification by phone or email.

Interceptor PlusInterceptor Plus— Oral monthly chew prevents heartworm and most intestinal parasites. Add Credelio for complete protection. 

Many of our clients are switching to ProHeart 12, an injection that also prevents heartworm and most intestinal parasites. With no monthly doses to remember, there are no gaps in protection for a full year. $15 rebate coupon* available year-round.  Add Credelio for complete protection.

CredelioTick transmitted diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are on the rise in our patients and can have life-threatening consequences. Big or small, if your dog is exposed to grass, they ARE exposed to ticks, and should be on Credelio.

Credelio — Oral monthly chew prevents fleas and ticks. Combine with Interceptor Plus or ProHeart 12 for complete protection.

Revolution PlusRevolution Plus is the best protection to prevent heartworms, fleas, ticks and intestinal parasites.  Learn more about Revolution Plus